Innovative and inclusive music and arts in Cumbria and NE

BlueJam Jazz Programme

Current Project: Penrith Jazz Jam

On the final Sunday of the month we run Penrith Jazz Jam at BlueJam Arts Space from 2-4pm.

Hosted by Jilly Jarman or Geoff Bartholomew, Penrith Jazz Jam offers a friendly space for players of any level of experience to work through the jazz standards repertoire. We currently have about 20 people coming along. Young adult musicians very welcome – please get in touch if you’d like to come along to the next session.

£6 payable on the door (card preferred)

Previous Projects:

BlueJam Youth Jazz (BJYJE), BlueJam’s youth jazz programme, is currently on pause. Please contact us if you are interested in joining a band when we re-start and we will let you know when things start moving!

HER Jazz is an amalgamation of our successful Girls in Jazz and Women in Jazz sessions and reflects an intergenerational approach. HER Jazz weekend workshops are currently paused but watch this space for news of the next meet up.