Innovative and inclusive music and arts in Cumbria and NE

Play Along for Children's Orchestra

Due to the pandemic BlueJam’s Children’s Orchestra has had to be put on pause. However, Richard (who leads the orchestra) and his family – along with BlueJam video editors – have put together a series of videos where you can play along with popular Children’s Orchestra tracks. 
Would your child like to join Children’s Orchestra when we are back face to face? We meet on Saturday mornings during term time at BlueJam Arts Space in Penrith. Contact us to let us know.

Dark Eyes

Learn how to play ‘Dark Eyes’ (a traditional Russian Song)

1) Download the PDF of the sheet music you need (hover for link)
2) Listen to the track on the below video and use your finger to follow along on the sheet music at the same time.
3) Tune your instrument and get ready to play.
4) Practice playing the track without the video.
5) Start the below video and play along! You can choose whether to play along to Melody in C (0:15), Counter Melody in C (1:16) or the Cello Part (2:11)

Egyptian Fantasy

Learn how to play ‘Egyptian Fantasy.’


1) Click here to download the PDF of the sheet music you need 
2) Listen to the track on the video and use your finger to follow along on the sheet music at the same time.
3) Tune your instrument and get ready to play.
4) Practice playing the track without the video.
5) Start the video and play along! You can choose whether to play along to Part 1, which comes first, or Part 2.