Innovative and inclusive music and arts in Cumbria and NE


CPD: Further Questions to Explore

  • In synesthesia you can’t differentiate the experience of colour and other sensory input. In dyslexia, phonological awareness is a key struggle: not being able to differentiate different sounds in one word easily. Is there more research that could be done in this area linking sensory conditions and how processing can be supported? 
  • Could we translate the vibrations of smell into music – using sensory disabilities as a musical strength?
  • How can brains which process the world differently use music as a crutch for enhancing learning or coping with overwhelm?
  • What other real problems could music help solve for children with additional needs. 
  • Is cortisol involved in the response to music in children with additional needs and how can we use this to our advantage in preventing frustration and enabling communication?
  • How can improvisation be used with children with additional needs in order to help them be braver with their choices in non-musical situations?
  • Can we use the ‘high alert’ fight or flight need which some students come to us with as a positive influence/experience for music creation? Making something out of it rather than running away from it. 
  • Being around a natural environment can be transformative – how can we use that transformation of environment in a music workshop setting in order to reap the same benefits?
  • What can we learn from the spread of sounds in the natural environment and how could this benefit the way of making music during a workshop?